TANGE Manufacturing Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as the “Company”) believes that compliance with laws and regulations related to the protection of personal information and protecting personal information is foundational to business activities and social responsibility. The Company stipulates and implements the Basic Policy on the Protection of Personal Information (Privacy Policy) in order to implement proper collection, use, protection as well as security management of personal information of its clients/shareholders/officers and employees (meaning any person who is an officer of the Company or is in an employment relationship with the Company (including contract workers and part-time workers) as follows.

1.Obtainment, Use and Provision of Personal Information

The Company will obtain personal information handled in all businesses of the Company by fair and legitimate means.
When obtaining personal information, the Company will, in principle, first notify or disclose the purpose of use of such personal information.
The Company will use personal information to the extent necessary to accomplish such purpose of use as informed.
Except as otherwise stipulated by laws and regulations, the Company will not provide any third party with personal information without first obtaining consent from the concerned person.

2.Laws and Regulations, Guidelines, and Code of Conduct for Protecting Personal Information

The Company will comply with all laws and regulations and other codes of conduct for protecting personal information including the Act on the Protection of Personal Information.

3.Security Management of Personal Information

The Company will endeavor to prevent and remedy risks such as leakage and loss of personal information or damage to personal information due to unauthorized access, falsification, loss, etc. by implementing necessary and appropriate security measures.

4.Complaint and Consultation Relating to Personal Information

The Company will establish a contact point to deal with any inquiry and consultation relating to personal information and try to deal with the same appropriately and promptly.

5.Continuous Improvement of the Protection of Personal Information

In order to verify that the mechanism for the protection of personal information is being appropriately implemented, the Company will inspect and audit its implementation regularly.
The Company will review the mechanism for the protection of personal information regularly and improve the same continuously in light of the change in the circumstances and social trend.